Footage, and reflections on the event

Developing students' T-shaped and vocational skills through competitions
Plumbing Team
This project saw L1 Plumbing students participate in a skills competition, in which they could test their and apply their subject knowledge in challenging situations. A key aspect of this was to explore the impact this competition had on their learning, both in terms of vocational knowledge and T-shaped skills development.
Planning was crucial, and helped inform the brief that students were given on the day of the competition and how they were judged. A link to the planning document can be found below.
Student feedback
What do you think you’ve gained from taking part in the competition?
I gained experience in working fast and efficiently.
a bit more experience
i gained skills working in a team
how to work with a partner, and confidence
ive gained a lot of confidence and staying in track with time
i gained the expreience of working in pressure
What I have gained is confidence when it comes to time keeping
Working with a partner, and being able to use time efficiently
This kind of task is usually completed individually, but today you were working in pairs. How did you find working as a team? What was made easier as a result of working collaboratively?
a lot quicker and more controlled
i found working as a team good as I had someone to test my work
easier then usual because we could actually communicate
I found it irritating, but i found it fun because, we think quite alike and since we are close friends we got it he way we wanted i from both sides, without arguing.
it was better because the work was divided evenly and done faster
I found working as a team better as you communicate better and spot more mistakes
It was more easily done because we could use teamwork, and your partner could do another part of the work, while you did another
good and my partner was very helpful
What will you do differently the next time you work on a copper frame?
make sure I check and keep calm.
Will not burn the paper next time.
double check work finishing
We didn't make an mistakes really, however we just improved our writing plan. because we wanted to put our point across effectively.
measure the copper pipes correctly and make sure there pushed into the fitting
make sure the drawing is accurate so the frame is accurate
Actually fit the copper pipe into the fittings, and to try not to burn the sheet (wallpaper)
too take more care with it